TEFL Course Outline: Our 120-Hour TEFL Program

Our accredited TEFL program on teaching English covers 25 units through discovery over 120 hours.

In-Class TEFL Course Outline

Pro TEFL’s internationally accredited 120-Hour TEFL Program

This internationally accredited TEFL course in one of the best Teacher Training courses available on the market today. It is an intensive TEFL course with 120 hours spread over a three week period; 9AM till 6PM, Monday through to Friday. There have been an extra two hours of training added per day which will allow our graduates to start earning money a week sooner by providing a full fledged 120 hour TEFL course in just three weeks!

The course outline is a combination of the traditional 120 hour TEFL certification, Thai culture immersion and a full three days’ worth of teacher training at real, local Thai schools. Included are also the other disciplines such as Online and Business English and teaching Math and Science, granting you all of the tools you will need upon graduation.

Course Outline


Introduction and orientation

First off the course begins with us giving you an overview on teacher decorum, the learning environment and what is expected from you during the course.


Thai culture

Culture is the most pivotal role within any EFL scenario. In Thai society, teachers hold an honoured role and so in order for our students to integrate well into the society we believe that a thorough understanding of the Thai culture is an essentiality. We focus on topics such as religion, societal values, language and the cultural norms/common business practises.


A brief history of English

The English language possesses and immensely complicated system of rules and a wealth of exceptions for its syntax. This is typically due to the location and the way in which the language developed. In this unit we provide you with a fascinating insight into the way the English language functions in the way that it does – entirely beneficial when teaching it!


Student Levels

In this unit we dedicate our time to unravelling the major differences between learning styles that you will come across in young children and teenagers. We will teach you a number of ways to make adjustments that will cater to all of your students and their differences.


How students learn

There are loads of different teaching styles and every teacher brings their own unique personality to the classroom. In order to make the most of your effectiveness as a teacher it is certainly beneficial to comprehend how the process of learning actually takes place. This unit takes a look at some ‘Second Language Acquisition theories’, various learning styles and how an individual’s IQ influences the way that they interact with and process new information.


Learner motivation

One of the most critical factors when learning to manage a student’s behaviour is understanding what it is that motivates the learning. In this unit we look into the number of reasons, both societal and individual to motivate your students to want to learn.


Lesson structure

Planning and the delivery of a lesson is likely what most consider being the cornerstone of TEFL training. In this unit we focus on ways to order and present your lessons. After you’ve completed this unit you will be ready to speak and present to an audience anytime, anywhere.

TEFL course thailand

Classroom management

Managing student behaviour is at the forefront of every teacher’s job description as without such skills the hindrances to teaching are significantly increased. Because of this we place great value on your ability to be able to successfully manage your students’ behaviour.


Elicitation and error correction

The way in which you encourage your students to study and how you correct their errors is something that cannot be overemphasized enough. When you are too quick to correct a student this may enable them to slack off – and at the same time if you’re lax it may cause confusion and disorientation.


Teaching vocabulary

When you are teaching a foreign language, a lot of time is spent on teaching new vocabulary to your students. In this unit we cover different methods for teaching vocabulary, strategies for selecting the most appropriate words to teach and different activities to help reinforce the content that you’ve taught.


Teaching productive skills

On top of reading and listening, students must practise and master speaking and writing. This unit looks at the various conventions that govern these areas; for example socio-cultural guidelines for speech and interpretation of genre for the written work. We’ll guide you in how to teach these different skills in the classroom via different activities.


Teaching Writing

The written word has a number of different conventions that separate it from vocab or grammar. In unit you will explore the various approaches to writing and collecting data that is specific to function and genre.


Teaching Speaking

The ability to speak fluently in any languages not only helps you to better understand the language and its features, but also gives you the ability to process language and information much quicker. In this unit you will explore the various elements that are necessary for spoken production through interaction, communication games, language processing, and different speaking activities.

Teaching receptive skills

Another important part when trying to learn a language is grasping how to read and listen. This unit looks at different reasons why reading and listening in general is important, the various skills to apply depending on what those reasons are, and the different ways in which we process new information. And on top of that we’ll guide you on how to teach these different skills in the classroom.


Teaching Reading

In order to get the most from their reading, students should be involved in intensive and extensive reading. This unit in particular will cover the teacher’s role in reading and the various reasons for reading too.

Teaching Listening

Students can work on their listening skills in order to gain valuable input through a mixture of extensive and intensive listening procedures and material.


Teaching pronunciation, articulation and intonation

Pronunciation is a hugely sensitive yet very important topic, particularly in the TEFL environment. We will look at the different theories on the methodology behind teaching pronunciation, the reasons behind those different theories, and the basic difficulties that can hinder proper pronunciation. Much of this unit is also dedicated to studying articulation and intonation.


Teaching grammar

Having a strong grasp of the structure of the language you’ll be teaching is an essentiality. In this unit we focus on grammar instruction and the various ways in which grammar instruction can be presented to students in the classroom.


Teaching the eight parts of Speech

In the English language there are eight key parts of speech that are common since every word that comes out of your mouth is actually one of eight parts of speech. In this unit we will not only learn what they are and how they function, but also learn how to teach them to varying class levels.


Teaching the Twelve Verb Tenses

The twelve verb tenses represent of course the reference to action, time or event within a sentence. In this unit you will begin with the main categories of tenses then work through the other sub-categories as well. After this unit you’ll not only be able to identify every different verb tense, but teach them to different students and class levels.


Teaching methods

You’ve likely heard of the Rosetta Stone and other similar sounding approaches to learning language. Researchers have been striving for many years to find the most efficient method to learn a language. Bearing this in mind, this unit focuses on some of the insights gained from thorough linguistic research when learning a new and foreign language.

Teacher administration

In this unit we will cover the administrative side to teaching outside of the lesson planning. Our student teachers are taught to perform needs analysis, construct various course outlines, build your own a course curriculum, put together examinations, successfully grading, behavioural reports, logging attendance sheets, and appropriate course material selection.


Business English & Other Disciplines

It is no secret that every learner has their own unique learning style, which can be adopted and shaped by professional challenges laid out before them, their everyday environment and their own personal interests. This unit will cover Business English, online tutoring, and the other various and important teaching disciplines


Teaching Online

Teaching English online is rather an attractive opportunity for many ESL teachers in this day and age, and is exponentially gaining popularity. Due to the advances in telecommunication technology and our mobile devices you have the ability and opportunity to connect with your students from all around the globe.


Teaching Math & Science

Teaching Maths and Science as an ESL teacher is growing in popularity in many schools across Asia and the Arabian Gulf states. Teaching Math and Science is very different from teaching English requiring it’s very own unique skill set. Throughout this unit we will explore the different skills required to successfully deliver these lessons.

Teaching English in Thailand, classroom photo

Practicum – Practical teaching observation and Training

Additionally to the in-class sessions, all of our applicants are required to teach three whole days in a real Thai school to students of a foreign language at different age levels under careful examination and assessment. This will allow the TEFL students to gain both the confidence and experience required to succeed which can only be obtained by the experience of real life instruction to real students.

ProTEFL full immersion course in Thailand

English Camp management and Implementation

All of our applicants are given guidance on how to run an English camp on the very last day to the whole school. Gaining real teaching experience throughout the course will allow the teacher in training the much needed feedback and confidence before qualifying from the TEFL program and receiving certification. At the beginning of the English Camp every teacher in training is presented with a volunteer teaching certificate written in their name by the director of the local Thai school.

Volunteer teaching certificate

This Volunteer certificate is presented in Thai and bears the official stamps and signatures from the regional educational director; this is an excellent and heartfelt way to start your teaching career in Thailand and will look excellent on your resume.


Graduation and Start working as a teacher

Our course is extremely thorough, that combined with the experience and expertise of our teacher trainers stands as testament to the values and integrity of Pro TEFL. As a result of the high quality TEFL program we offer we have been able to successfully train up and place over 4,800 students all over Thailand, Asia and the rest of the world! Our courses are a combination of all of the required skills and abilities that are required of a TEFL teacher to successfully teach English in a foreign country.
